Symantec Certificate Transition to DigiCert: What You Need to Know


With online security protocols constantly changing, it’s no surprise that different web-based security brands are consolidating to create a safer online experience. With the latest SSL Industry News that Digicert, a global encryption provider, has acquired Symantec’s Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology, consumers are wondering when and if the acquisition will mean changes to the way their digital assets are protected online. When it comes to the Symantec to Digicert transition, here’s everything you need to know about the big brand changes.

What will happen with Symantec's SSL certificate products?

The Symantec to Digicert transition has already happened, but there will be a grace period that allows users to switch their Symantec SSL TLS Certificates to the new platform by purchasing renewal of their Symantec product as its DigiCert equivalent at a later date. Essentially, all users will have their Symantec products renewed on the new Digicert platform. These products will not be rendered null and void: Instead, they’ll essentially count as Digicert purchases to be transitioned into superior Secure Site SSL products in the near future. Once the DigiCert Secure Site product line is made available, users will be able to renew their Symantec certificates as their Digicert equivalents on the Secure128 site. However, since there’s been no date announced for the Symantec brand sunset, users of can continue renewing them with Secure128 until the sunset date is announced. Symantec Secure Site customers will be able to renew with the DigiCert Secure Site equivalent in the meantime, creating a smooth transition for the customer base.

How long will the Symantec certificate products be available?

Secure128 will continue offering the Symantec certificate products all the way up to DigiCert’s established sunset date. After the sunset date is announced, the Symantec SSL TLS Certificates will be valid until its original expiration date. The Symantec to Digicert transition won’t just create better security protocols: It will help create a more sophisticated PKI for the new Secure Site SSL product. Allowing DigiCert to create a stronger certificate that is poised to become the new gold standard of Internet security.

What is the replacement product?

Symantec products can be renewed as the Digicert Secure Site at Digicert customers will also be given the option to upgrade to a higher security level for a prorated fee. DigiCert Secure Site certificates are available to order from Secure128 currently. However, the full transfer of Symantec certificates to the new platform will not be available until a future date. Rather than a full-on rebranding, Digicert’s new line of products will be incorporating the sophisticated PKI technology of the Symantec brand to create a better, stronger, more secure hybrid that will shortly be available across platforms. Currently, both brands are offering Secure Site SSL products for purchase so that customers can lay the groundwork for a painless transition once the merger is complete.

If you have any additional questions about this transition process, feel free to reach out.

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