What to Know About TLS 1.3

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In 2018, the Internet Engineering Task Force launched TLS 1.3, an update to TLS 1.2 with enhanced security features. But what does the latest IETF update really mean for Website Security? Here’s a rundown that will help you figure out what the move to TLS 1.3 means for you.

What is TLS 1.3?

TLS, or Transport Layer Security is a type of online protocol that predates the more familiar SSL (Secure Sockets Layer.) While the earlier versions of TLS took longer to authenticate and encrypt data through a secure “handshake,” TLS 1.3 cuts the time nearly in half. This isn’t just important in terms of users who want faster service. It means that hackers will have less time to uncover privileged, protected data online.

That’s not all. Due to TLS 1.2’s vulnerability to viruses and attacks, the new version protects Website Security by eliminating problematic features like SHA-1, RC4, DES and AES-CBC to name just a few. This doesn’t just reduce the risk of attack, it makes online payment processing easier and more secure. The latest IETF update has made it even more difficult for hackers to gain access to private information while making it easier for developers to stay compliant and correctly configure online protocol. There’s less room for error and strengthened Website Security across the board.

How Does It Benefit Me?

Whether you’re trying to create a web presence or you already have a thriving business, TLS 1.3 is good news for you. The latest IETF update is, in a few words, safer, more streamlined, and more focused on protecting individual security and private information. Now that online revenue has more to do with the sharing of encrypted user information than direct e-Commerce sales, Website Security has become even more difficult to enforce even amongst top companies. If Facebook and Twitter are at risk of a data breach, no one is safe. That’s why TLS 1.3 took 2 years and several drafts to complete. Thanks to the update, business owners can exchange and protect information without risking a breach or dealing with a giant lag in encryption time. If you're worried about facing a data breach or combating hackers, TLS 1.3 will help create a secure, virtually impenetrable space for doing business online.

What Are the Key Features?

When it comes to TLS 1.3, speed and security are key. Here are just a few of the updated features users can now benefit from:

0-RTT: Zero round-trip time means that authentication is quicker than ever. Not only that, but the increased speed of TLS 1.3 means that there’s less of a lag in communication and a significant decrease in encryption latency.

Fewer Problematic Features: The latest IETF update removes some of the outdated features that have continued to make TLS 1.2 open to cyber attacks.

Rejection of False “Handshakes”: This feature protects against hackers who are trying to force a downgrade in order to find a way into the system. Using TLS 1.3, anyone trying to modify a secure certificate in order to revert to TLS 1.2 will automatically be flagged. To ensure your site is updated with the latest website security protocols, try our free Secure128/SSL Labs tool or contact us with any questions.

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