
Code Signing Certificates

Digicert Codesigning from Secure128.com

Increase Downloads By First Instilling Trust

Code signing certificates are digital certificates that will help protect users from downloading compromised files or applications. When a file or application signed by a developer is modified or compromised after publication, a popup browser warning will appear to let users know that the origin of the file or application cannot be verified.

Why Software Publishers Should Choose Secure128?

Code signing from a recognized and trusted Certificate Authority (CA) provides explicit third-party confirmation of the publisher’s identity. It also helps ensure the integrity of the application since it indicates that code has not been tampered with since the initial digital signature. Just like sealed software purchased at a retail store, code signing can increase customer trust in downloadable applications, and will ultimately help boost your sales and downloads.

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How Can My Business Benefit with Code Signing?

  • Benefit Check Mark Secure128 Eliminates disruptive security alerts that might turn away customers or increase support inquiries.
  • Benefit Check Mark Secure128 Helps increase market reach and adoption of downloadable software.
  • Benefit Check Mark Secure128 Protects your intellectual property
  • Benefit Check Mark Secure128 Protects your reputation
  • Benefit Check Mark Secure128 Meets the requirements of platforms and network providers
  • Benefit Check Mark Secure128 Builds customer confidence and trust.

Who Requires Code Signing?

Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft® Authenticode® (Multi-Purpose)

With code signing, you can assure users that your code and content is safe to download, and protect your most valuable business asset: your reputation. Code signing authenticates the code’s source and confirms the integrity of content distributed online. Code Signing Certificate for Microsoft® Authenticode® (Multi-Purpose) offers maximum flexibility with a single certificate to sign code developed on multiple platforms.

-Now supports Silverlight® 4 applications

-Digitally sign 32- and 64-bit user-mode (.exe, .cab, .dll, .ocx, .msi, .xpi, and .xap files)

-Digitally sign code for Microsoft® Office 2000, Microsoft VBA, Netscape Object Signing, and Marimba Channel Signing

-Save even more with our new 3 year option!

Code Signing Certificates for Java®

With a code signing certificate, you can assure users that your code and content is safe to download, and protect your most valuable business asset: your reputation. Code signing authenticates the code’s source and confirms the integrity of content distributed online. Code Signing Certificate for Java® is designed for Java applications for desktop and mobile devices and recognized by Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

-Digitally sign .jar files and Java applications for desktop and mobile devices

-Save even more with our new 3 year option!

Code Signing Certificates for Adobe® AIR®

With a code signing certificate, you can assure users that your code and content is safe to download, and protect your most valuable business asset: your reputation. Code signing authenticates the code’s source and confirms the integrity of content distributed online. Code Signing Certificate for Adobe® AIR® is recognized by Adobe Ajax and Flex files.

-Digitally sign .air or .airi files

-Save even more with our new 3 year option!

Code Signing Certificates for Mac®

With a code signing certificate, you can assure users that your code and content is safe to download, and protect your most valuable business asset: your reputation. Code signing authenticates the code’s source and confirms the integrity of content distributed online. Code Signing Certificates for Mac® are used to digitally sign applications, plug-ins and content for Mac® OS X desktops.

-Digitally sign Apple desktop applications

-Save even more with our new 3 year option!

Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft® Office and VBA

With a code signing certificate, you can assure users that your code and content is safe to download, and protect your most valuable business asset: your reputation. Code signing authenticates the code’s source and confirms the integrity of content distributed online. Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft® Office and VBA are designed for developers who use Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) for Microsoft® Office and other VBA environments.

-Digitally sign VBA objects, scripts and macros for Microsoft Office .doc, .xls, and .ppt files

-Save even more with our new 3 year option!

Kernel-Mode Code Signing Certificates for Publishing Drivers for Windows

Kernel-Mode Code Signing certificates are designed to allow you to digitally sign driver packages.Signing driver packages lets your users know that they’re installing a program released by Your Company, Inc. In addition, when users first run the installer, they can verify that the driver package arrived unchanged (i.e., no one tampered with it).

Code Signing for Mozilla

Signing code is beneficial to both you and the end user. You benefit by protecting your code from tampering and building your reputation as a developer, while your end users enjoy peace of mind knowing the application they are downloading is safe and comes from a verified source.

-Removes "Unknown Publisher" security warnings when code is downloaded

-Signature does not expire due to timestamping service, even after the certificate expires

-Certificate stored on USB token protects the private key and reduces the risk it will be stolen and compromised

-Sign an unlimited number of apps

-Protect your brand and reputation

Max Sanshelp_outline
Total number of Subject Alternate Name domain values that can be added to a certificate. Only registered, Fully Qualified Domains are accepted.
Issuance Timehelp_outline
The approximate number of days required to validate control of a domain, and if applicable, validate the organization which owns the website.

Digicert SSL Certificates
Digicert Code Signing
OV Icon
HTTPS encryption AND organization identity included in certificate.
1-2 Days

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