1. First, Comodo will return the Identity Certificate to you. Then, it is time to open the Identity Certificates window, click on the pending certificate, and select Install.
2. Second, you must now assign the certificate to use for the SSL VPN. You can do this by locating the SSL Settings window and clicking on the SSL Settings link located beneath the menu of certificates.
3. Third, within the SSL Settings window select the interface that will be used for the certificate. Then, the Edit SSL Certificate window will appear.
4. Fourth, once in the Edit SSL window click the certificate from the Certificate list and select OK.
TIP: The Identity Certificate that was chosen will be displayed in the ID Certificate option to the right of the Interface option.
5. Make sure you Select the Apply icon at the bottom of the SSL Settings menu to save the certificate with the ASA configuration.
TIP: You will still need to install your Root and Intermediate Certificates. Reference this link to do so:
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