Generating a CSR in Microsoft Exchange 2016
Microsoft Exchange 2016 SSL Certificate
Installation Instructions
1. First, Open a Browser and Browse the following URL: https://localhost/ecp and this will allow access to the Exchange
Admin Center (EAC).
2. Next, on the Exchange Admin Center page, Use the Domain/User Name to enter your User Name and Password. Click Sign In.
3. On the Left side of the Exchange Admin Center Page, click on Servers, and then select "Certificates" which is located
at the top of the page.
4. Once you have accessed the "Certificates" page in the "Select Server" list select the Exchange 2016 Server and then
Click the Plus (+) Symbol.
5. Now on the "New Exchange Certificate" Wizard select the following command, "Create a request for a certificate from a
certification authority" and then Click Next.
6. The next page will have a box that prompts you to create a "Friendly Name for this certificate" and in that box type the
"Friendly Name" that you have chosen for your certificate. Then Click Next.
7. If you will be using a Wildcard Plus Certificate then follow this Step. If NOT, then click NEXT and continue on with the
instructions below. For Wildcard Plus Certificate, to create your CSR click on "Request a wild-card certificate" and in the
"Root Domain" box type the root domain for all additional subdomains. Then Click Next.
8. On the next page, select, "Store certificate request on this server" and the select "Browse." Once you select "Browse"
then select the server in which you wish to store the certificate request on and Click NEXT.
9. Next, Select the Domain or domains that you wish to include on the SSL Certificate (If you are creating a CSR for a
wildcard certificate you can skip step 9 and continue to step 10). In order to select the specific domains that you wish to
be included within your SSL Certificate, first click NEXT, and then the Wizard will be launched to show the domains that
Exchange 2016 suggests. Click to the next page, and review the list of domain names, and use the functions to add, edit,
remove or select the domains you wish to be included on your SSL Certificate. Then click NEXT once you have completed this
10. The next screen prompts information to be entered that is specific to your Company. In the "Organization Name" enter the
Legal name of the Company. Under "Department Name" enter the specific department within your Company. Under the
"City/Locality" blank enter the City in which the Company is located. Under the "State/Province" blank enter the State in
which the Company is located. Finally, under the "Country/Region Name" drop-down box Select the Country in which the Company
is legally registered and located. After entering all appropriate information, click the NEXT button.
11. Next, Enter a UNC path under "Save the certificate request to the following file" to save your CSR file to.
12. Click FINISH in order to generate the CSR. Now Save the CSR to the specific UNC path.
13. Using a Text Editor of your choice, copy and paste the file (including both the Begin New Certificate Request and the
End New Certificate Request tags in your paste) into the Online Order Form.
Microsoft Exchange 2016 SSL Certificate
Installation Instructions
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