Microsoft IIS 5 & 6 CSR Generation Guide

DigiCert SSL Certificate CSR Creation - Microsoft IIS 5-6

Installing Primary Server Certificate File with Key Manager
IIS 5 and 6 manager

1. Access the Control Panel and select Administrative Tools. Next, select "Run Internet Information Services."

2. Next, Right-Click on the Website in which you wish to secure. Once the website has been selected, Select Properties.

3. Click the Directory Security Tab and click on the "Server Certificate" button.

Directory Security Tab

4. After you have clicked on the "Server Certificate" button, click Next. The option will then be present "Create a New Certificate" choose that option and then click Next.

NOTE: If this is not the first installation of the Microsoft IIS 5 and 6 CSR, then you will be asked if you are "renewing an existing certificate." If you are in fact renewing an existing certificate then select the option to "Renew Your Certificate" and you may skip over steps 6-9.

Server Certificate

Create New Certificate

5. Next, there will be an option that says, "Prepare the request now, but send it later." Select that option and then click the Next button.

6. You will now come to a screen to Enter the unique name for the Certificate on your server. There is a drop down box for bit length. Choose the bit-length of 2048. Do not check any other boxes on this screen. Click Next.

Prepare Request

Enter Unique Name

7. The Next Screen in the IIS Certificate Wizard will ask for the Legal Name of your Company. Enter Your Company Name. Also enter the Department in the Organizational Unit drop-down box present. Then Click Next.

Legal Name of Company

8. Next Enter the Domain Name of your unique website; using the URL format. Click Next.

9. The Next Screen will Request Geographical Information. Enter the Country, State, and City in which your Organization is located using the appropriate drop-down boxes. Then Click Next.

Geographical Information

10. The Next Screen, Choose a file name and location in which to save your SSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Make sure to save the file as a text or .txt file.

Choose File Location

11. Once finished, Click Next to generate the File.

12. Now you will be able to Open the CSR file using another application. Copy and Paste the Text into the Order Form.

NOTE: After you have completed the above steps a "pending request status" will be created. DO NOT DELETE this "pending request" as you will need it later after receipt of your certificate. You will need to install the certificate to this "Pending Request" in order for the Certificate to be functional.

13. Once you have received your SSL Certificate, you may proceed to installation.

Installing Primary Server Certificate File with Key Manager
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