Microsoft IIS PFX Import
Microsoft IIS PFX Export
1. Beginning at the START Menu, Select RUN and type mmc in the box.
2. Next, Click on FILE and then the Add/Remove Snap-In selection from the drop-down menu.
3. Then Click Add and Select Certificates from the List, and Finally Click on the Add button at the bottom of the screen.
4. Next, Select Computer Account and Click NEXT. Make sure you now select Local Computer and then you will see the FINISH
button Click on it. Now you are able to close both the Add Standalone Snap-In Window and the Add/Remove Snap-In Window.
5. Next, Click on the Plus (+) Sign to Expand the Certificates and find the Personal Directory/Folder. Expand the Certificates
6. Next, Right-Click on the Certificate in which you wish to back up and select ALL TASKS and then IMPORT.
7. Now you will be prompted to follow the certificate import wizard to finish importing your Primary Certificate from the
.pfx File. When asked, choose the selection "Automatically Place the Certificates in the Certificate Stores Based on the
Type of the Certificate."
Enabling a New Certificate on a Server
1. Begin by clicking on the START Menu. Then Click on Administrative Tools and Select Internet Information Services (IIS)
2. Now that you have accessed the IIS Manager, Right-Click on the specific site in which you wish to use the Certificate for
and then click on Properties.
3. Find Directory Security, and then click on Server Certificate. Now the Server Certificate Wizard will be launched.
4. If prompted, select "Assign An Existing Certificate" to the specific site and then select the specific certificate that you
have imported.
5. Next, BROWSE the specific .pfx File that was created in the beginning of this process and then select the FINISH button
to end the Certificate Wizard. In some instances, it may be required to restart the IIS or the Server in order for the new
certificate to begin.
Microsoft IIS PFX Export
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