Extended SSL

A step up from Org Validation, this Extended Validation SSL/TLS product confirms organization legal name and location in the cert details, PLUS displays this info in the browser URL bar. Capable of SAN values for multiple FQDN's.

GlobalSign Site Seal

Site Seal

Globalsign's site seals give you an easy way to let your customers know that your site is being secured by Globalsign and that their information is safe.

$1.5 Million Warranty

Warranty Included with Your Purchase

Warranty protection against certain losses resulting from breach by Globalsign of the warranties included in your Globalsign SSL Certificate.

Money Back Guarantee

money back

This product has a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product.

Buy Extended SSL Here!

Year 1
HTTPS encryption, organization identity included in certificate AND browser URL bar.

Year 2
HTTPS encryption, organization identity included in certificate AND browser URL bar.

Subject Alternate Name Information

Extended SSL allows you to secure multiple domains or subdomains with ease! Allowing you to manage those multiple domains or subdomains in one place.

How many domains can you secure?

50 domains.

Are any additional domains free?

Extended SSL does not come with any free domains.


How much is an additional domain?

per additonal domain.

EV Information

Stands for Extended Validation. Recommended For eCommerce and High Visibility Sites, Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates offer the GREEN BAR along with the highest industry standard for authentication and provide the best level of customer trust available.


Green Check Mark
256 bit encryption
Green Check Mark
Supports basic ssl/tls security

Green Check Mark
Supports mobile devices
Green Check Mark
Customer portal to manage your new and existing orders

Green Check Mark
Organization legal name included in cert details AND in most browsers
Green Check Mark
Unlimited server licensing & free reissues

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