Video Game Security

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How Video Games Can be a Risk to Cybersecurity

Gaming can be a wonderful distraction from the stress of the outside world. But before you or your kids sit down to unwind in front of a gaming console, it’s important to factor in the issue of cybersecurity in video games. Though it might seem like your data is being protected, the mere fact that you’re logging on and providing password info each time you play means that hackers have an easy way to access some of your most private data. So how do you protect yourself while gaming? Here are a few things you should be aware of.

How is My Personal Data Vulnerable on Gaming Systems?

In the past, games didn’t depend on connectivity or internet access as much, if at all. Because of the many, rapid advancements in gaming technology, however, Cybersecurity in video games needs to become the focus, especially when it comes to avoiding a Microsoft security breach. A recent survey shows that up to 92% of cybersecurity experts believe that the gaming community is the perfect place for cyberterrorists to tap new recruits, using their expertise to expose and capture unprotected data. That means that not only are users at risk of being targeted, they could also be interacting with new recruits online without even knowing it.

That’s not all. While many gamers assume that the transaction ends once they hand over the cash to buy a game, many video games require card setup for in-game or in-app purchases. This includes personal information such as your legal name, address, and phone number, as well as card info and password setup. While we like to believe that the data we share online goes through a secure portal, there’s still no guarantee that any information entered online couldn’t be affected by a massive Microsoft security breach. In a community filled with tech-savvy recruits, it’s not hard to imagine how any shared data could easily make its way into the public arena.

Have There Been Instances of Video Game Security Breaches?

When it comes to video game data breaches, the $4 billion-dollar industry has seen its fair share of scandal. Because the gaming community is largely anonymous, it’s not easy to limit contact with strangers or other gamers who might be lying in wait to seize vulnerable, unprotected info. As recently as 2017, over 2.5 million Xbox and PlayStation’s live platform users reported that their details had been hacked.

How Can I Secure My Personal Information Without Sacrificing My Gaming Habit?

Cybersecurity in video games might not seem like a top concern, especially for kids who just want to get online and play with friends. Luckily, there’s no reason why you should have to quit gaming altogether to stay safe online and avoid a Microsoft security breach. Instead, gamers can take steps to protect their information without giving up their passion. If you want to protect yourself against Video game data breaches, make sure you never share personal information, even if it seems harmless. Even sharing your birthday or address can come back to haunt you. Don’t provide card information online unless you’re absolutely certain you’re using a secure payment platform. It should come as no surprise that in the world of gaming, remaining as anonymous as possible is usually the safest way to go.

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