How to install a SSL Certificate for WebLogic Server 8.0 - 10.0

Step 1: Obtain Intermediate CA Certificate

  • Copy the Intermediate CA certificate from your Secure128 portal under "Order Details".
  • Be sure there are 5 dashes to either side of the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE and that no white spaces, extra line breaks or additional characters have been inadvertently added.
  • Save the file as Intermediate.txt

Step 2: Obtain the SSL Certificate

  • The SSL Certificate will be sent via e-mail. Copy the certificate from the body of the email.
  • The text file should look like:
  • -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- [encoded data] -----END CERTIFICATE-----

  • Make sure there are 5 dashes to either side of the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE and that no white spaces, extra lines, breaks or additional characters have been inadvertently added.
  • Paste the certificate on a Notepad
  • Open the Intermediate.txt file from Step 1, copy the content and paste it right bellow your certificate.
  • The file should look like this when finished:

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- (Your SSL certificate) -----END CERTIFICATE-----

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- (Intermediate certificate) -----END CERTIFICATE-----

  • Save the file as Mycert.pem

Step 3: Install the SSL Certificate

  • Using the java keytool command line utility, import the pem file you created above using the following command: keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore /path_to_keystore/mykeystore -file Mycert.pem

NOTE: The command should be typed on one line. This command imports the certificate into the keystore named mykeystore in the working directory. Your keystore path and name may be different.

Step 4: Configure the Identity and Trust keystores for WebLogic Server

  • In the left pane of the Console, expand Environment and select Servers.
  • Click the name of the server for which you want to configure the identity and trust keystores.
  • Select Configuration > Keystores.
  • By default, WebLogic ships with demo certificates for testing purposes.
  • Click the 'Change' link in the upper-right portion of the configuration items. This will display the drop-down list of options for configuration.
  • Choose 'Custom Identity and Java Standard Trust' from the list.
  • Specify the identity keystore information:
    • Custom Identity key store file Name: c:\where\my\keystore\is\located\mykeystore.keystore (The fully qualified path to your keystore)
    • Custom Identity key Store Type: jks (Generally, this attribute is jks)
    • Custom Identity key Store Pass Phrase: keystore_password (The password defined when creating the keystore)
    • Confirm Customer Identity key Store Pass Phrase: Keystore_password (The password defined when creating the keystore)
    • Java standard Trust Key Store Pass Phrase: changeit (unless your system admin changed it the password for the cacerts keystore is "changeit"
    • Confirm Java Standard Trust Key Store Pass Phrase: changeit (unless your system admin changed it the password for the cacerts keystore is "changeit")
  • Click 'continue'
  • [Review SSL Private Key Settings]

    • Private key Alias: keyEntry_friendly_name (the alias is the friendly name for your keyEntry (private key), if you do not remember it please run the following command to confirm the alias: keytool -list -keystore [keystore_friendly_name] -v)
    • Passphrase: keyEntry_password (specify the keyEntry (private key) password. The password for the private key may differ from the one for the keystore)
    • Confirm Passphrase: keyEntry_password (specify the keyEntry (private key) password. The password for the private key may differ from the one for the keystore)
  • Click 'continue'
  • Click Finish. Reboot WebLogic Server.

Verify your Certificate is installed correctly