Generating a CSR in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007
SSL Certificate Installation Instructions
1. Once you have Installed Office Communications Server 2007, Click on the START Menu, then Click PROGRAMS, then Select
2. Next, Expand the Snap-In menu until you get to "Enterprise Edition Server" that was installed.
3. Now, you must "Right-Click" on the specific server name and select "Certificates." Now, click NEXT to begin the
Certificate Wizard and advance past the welcome screen.
4. Now, you will be prompted to "Select the method you want to use" and choose the option "Create a new Certificate" and then
Click NEXT.
5. In the screen that says, "Delayed or Immediate Request" select the Option, "Prepare the request now, but send it later"
then Click NEXT.
6. The Next Screen will be titled, "Name and Security Settings." In the "Name" box enter the name of your individual
certificate. This is considered a friendly name, and just used as a label for the certificate. You can name it whatever
you wish, such as the server name or the pool FQDN.
7. On this same screen, check the box labeled "Mark cert as exportable" to ensure that the certificate is exported to other
servers. Then click NEXT.
8. The NEXT screen you will be instructed to enter information based on your Organization and the Organizational Unit.
For the "Organization" drop-down box, enter your Company's Legal Name.
9. Click on the "Organizational Unit" drop-down box, and Enter the specific Department of the Company in which you are
securing the CSR or SSL Certificate. For example, if it is the IT Department within the Company, then Enter IT under the
Organizational Unit. Click NEXT.
10. The Next Screen Titled, "Your Server's Subject Name" and there will be a drop-down box titled, "Subject Name." In the
"Subject Name" Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the pool in this specific box. At the bottom of the, Select the
option, "Automatically Add Local Computer Name" and then Click NEXT.
11. The Next Screen will be to enter the Company's "Geographical Information." In the First Drop-Down Box titled,
"Country/Region" Enter the Country in which your Company is Legally located. In the Drop-Down Box titled, "State/Province"
Enter the State in which your Company is Legally Located. In the Drop-Down Box, titled, "City/Locality" Enter the City in
which your Company is Legally located. Then Click NEXT.
12. Now, Choose a File Name and Location in which to SAVE your new CSR. SAVE the file as a text file, with the
.txt extension. Then Click SAVE.
13. The Next Step is to make sure that you Review the Settings. Once you have reviewed the settings, then you can Finish the
Certificate Wizard. By completing this, you will be saving the CSR file to the location in which you entered above.
14. At this point, open the File using a Text Editor. Copy and Paste the material from the file including the BEGIN and END
Tags and enter this in the Online Order Form. Then Select "Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007" as the Server
15. You have completed the CSR installation, and should receive the SSL Certificate. Once you receive the SSL Certificate you
can begin the Installation Process.
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007
SSL Certificate Installation Instructions
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