Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 SSL Certificate Installation Instructions

Generating a SSL Certificate in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007
1. First, begin by Opening the ZIP File in which the Certificate is located. Copy the file, which is normally saved as, your_domain_name.cer in the Office Communications Server in which you generated your CSR.

2. Next, on the Specific Server, Click on START, then PROGRAMS. Next ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS, and finally click on OFFICE COMMUNICATIONS SERVER 2007.

3. Now, Expand the Snap-In to Select "Enterprise Edition Server."

4. "Right-Click" on the Office Communications Server where the CSR was generated. Then Click "Certificates."

5. Click "Next" and then choose the option, "Process the pending request and install the certificate."

6. Next, BROWSE your_domain_name.cer and then Click on NEXT. Now, your certificate will be installed. At this point you can view the certificate and complete the Certificate Wizard.

7. The SSL Certificate has now been Installed and is Ready to be used.

Generating a SSL Certificate in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007
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