Generating a CSR Certificate in Microsoft Exchange 2007

DigiCert SSL Certificate CSR Creation - Microsoft Exchange 2007 In this step-by-step tutorial we will show you how to create an SSL Certificate CSR in Exchange 2007. We will walk you through the signing request creation process so you can p...

Microsoft Exchange 2007 SSL Certificate Installation Instructions
1. Clicking on the Exchange Management Shell Command Line the following must be typed ALL on ONE complete line. Replace the generic terms with information that is specific to your Company and Certificate. The code c= is for the Country Code location of the Company. The City is indicated by the l= and should indicate the City or Locality of the Company. The State location of the Company should be placed where the s= is at. The Company's legal name is represented by o= in the command. Type the following Command all on ONE line within the Browser:

New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -KeySize 2048 -Path c:\DigiCertCSR.txt -SubjectName "c=US, l=YourLocalityOrCity, s=YourStateOrProvince, o=YourCompanyInc," -DomainName, -PrivateKeyExportable:$true

2.Next, you will be able to find the new CSR file as a .txt file in the C drive. Open this file with a text editor so that you may copy and paste the ENTIRE contents into the certificate order form. Make sure to include the BEGIN and END tags to the SAN Certificate order form.

3. Finally, you will now be able to install the SSL once you receive the Certificate.

Microsoft Exchange 2007 SSL Certificate Installation Instructions
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